Throughout this journey I have learned (and continue to learn) so much. About myself. About food. And about life in general. While I finally have a better relationship with eating, I do still maintain a desire to eat healthy. In my quest for healthy food, I continue to be shocked by how many “healthy foods” have ingredients I can’t even pronounce! Why would I put something in my body that I don’t even know how to say?!
If you can’t tell by now, AHAV is all about simplicity! I mean, I used the word twice in a nine word mission statement so it has got to mean something to me! Let me explain! When I walk through the grocery store isles, I am honestly astounded by how many “healthy” snacks have ingredients I can’t even pronounce!! Why would I want to put something in my body that I can’t recognize, let alone pronounce?!?!
Rest assured, AHAV's cookie dough bites are crafted using only identifiable, wholesome ingredients! Chemical-free, natural ingredients ensure AHAV's cookie dough bites are both delicious and healthy! Authentic ingredients, not gimmicks – AHAV's cookie dough bites offer a authentic and nourishing snack!
Experience guilt-free indulgence with AHAV's superior edible cookie dough bites in the epic Dough Faceoff! Our meticulously crafted recipe not only offers an unrivaled taste and texture but also stands out as a healthier alternative to other brands.